Designing Your Dream Life in 2025: STEP 2 Discover What You Truly Want
In 2025, we’re saying goodbye to traditional goal-setting and New Year’s resolutions. Why? Because, let’s be honest, those lofty promises tend to lose their spark by February. Sound familiar?
It used to be my story, too—setting goals with all the excitement of a fresh start, only to forget about them weeks later. But not anymore. Together, we’re stepping into the role of designer of our lives—crafting lives that feel authentic, intentional, and uniquely ours.
Just like designing a home that reflects its owner’s personality and needs, we’re going to design a life that feels like home in 2025. A life where you wake up every day feeling aligned, fulfilled, and empowered.
Today, let’s tackle Step 2: figuring out what you truly want.
Why being asked "What Do You Want?" Can Feel Overwhelming
If someone had asked me, “What do you want, Claire?” four years ago, I’d have answered, “I don’t know.” Not because I didn’t care, but because I didn’t know who I was.
I was stuck in what I call the "should era”—living a life dictated by expectations. The job I thought I should have, the company I thought I should keep, and the goals I thought I should chase. It was exhausting, and it only took me further away from my true self.
When you’re stuck in the "shoulds," it’s no wonder that answering “What do you want?” feels impossible.
Reframe the Question
If you’re struggling with this question, and even getting a little defensive at the thought of it (I know I used to) try reframing it. Instead of focusing on external desires (the job title, the house, the vacation), ask yourself:
What is important to me?
What’s on my wish list? (or your ‘more’ list from your review in step 1 here)
How do I want to feel?
These questions shift the focus inward, toward what really matters to you—not your boss, family, or society.
When I design homes for clients, I always start with their wish list. What do they truly want? Not what they think they can afford or what others will approve of, but what they would choose in a limitless world.
We can do the same for your life. Imagine your wish list is limitless: If you could be, do, or have anything in 2025, what would you write down?
Getting Clear on How You Want to Feel
Here’s the magic: Instead of focusing solely on what you want, consider how you want your life to feel.
When I work with interior design clients to design their dream homes, I often ask, “How do you want this space to feel?” For example, if they say they want their living room to feel calming, I’ll dig deeper:
What does calm feel like to you?
Have you ever been in a space that made you feel calm?
By connecting feelings with imagery, they start painting a clearer picture.
You can do this for your life, too. Think about times when you felt truly happy, peaceful, energised or however it is you want to feel in 2025. What were you doing? Where were you? Who were you with? Use these memories to clarify the feelings you want to replicate in 2025.
Trusting the Process
Here’s an analogy I love: Imagine you’re placing an order at a drive-thru. You state your desire clearly at the first window, then trust the kitchen to prepare it. You don’t micromanage the process—you simply show up at the next window to receive your order.
The same applies to your dreams. Once you get clear on what you want and how you want to feel, you’re placing your “order” with the universe. Then, you let go of the how and trust that it will arrive.
My Story: The Power of Clarity
Earlier this year, I got crystal clear about the kind of interior design client I wanted. I didn’t just want any client—I wanted a project that aligned with my personal style and values, with a client who shared my vision.
I wrote it all down: the type of project, the ideal client, and even how I wanted the collaboration to feel. Within weeks, the perfect opportunity came to me—a dream client who fit every detail I had envisioned.
That’s the power of clarity. When you know what you want and align with it, the universe can’t help but start working in your favour.
Now It’s Your Turn: Dream Without Limits
Ready to design your ideal life in 2025?Grab a journal and start your 2025 wish list. Remember, this isn’t about what makes sense or what’s realistic. It’s about dreaming boldly and authentically.
Separate Your Life into “Rooms”
Just like designing a home, think of your life as a series of rooms. Each room represents an area of your life—career, relationships, health, personal growth, wealth, home/environment or any other category that feels important to you. Naming these “rooms” helps you create intentional spaces for each priority.Create a Limitless Wish List
Once you’ve defined your rooms, ask yourself: What’s important to me here? What’s on my 2025 wish list? What do I want? Let your answers come from within, focusing on what truly lights you up rather than external expectations. Imagine there are no limits—what would you wish for in each room of your life?Attach Feelings to Your Desires
Go deeper by considering how you want each “room” to feel. If it’s hard to articulate, reflect on moments when you’ve experienced those feelings before. Use those memories to make your vision vivid and emotionally rich, aligning your desires with how you want to feel in 2025.
When you start aligning your desires with your authentic self, you’ll feel a shift—a sense of ease and excitement. That’s when you know you’re designing a life that feels like home.
Right now, if you feel like there’s a gap between the life you’re living and the one you dream of. Closing that gap requires more than just motivation—it takes clarity, intention, and a practical approach to design a life that reflects who you are at your core.
Our 7-Day Reset is your step-by-step blueprint to become the designer of your life. Gain the tools, confidence, and clarity to make 2025 your most transformative year—all starting together on January 13th!
Ready to start designing the life you’ve been dreaming of?