28. Free Yourself from Habit Loops by Mastering Energy Shifts

These moments are more than just low energy; they signify a deeper, more profound habit loop that keeps us from reaching our full potential.


Welcome back, beautiful people, to another episode, this week, we're shifting energy! We all have those days where we feel stuck in a rut, caught in a cycle of habits that seem to lead us nowhere new. It's as if we're on autopilot, going through the motions without really living. These moments are more than just low energy; they signify a deeper, more profound habit loop that keeps us from reaching our full potential. The good news is that with intentional energy shifts, we can break free from this loop and unlock new levels of growth and transformation.

We’ll explore how small yet intentional changes in our energy can ignite profound transformations, helping us step into the lives we’re truly meant to live. From practical tips to powerful reflections, this is how shifting your energy can lead to extraordinary outcomes.

Check out our transformative experiences and events for women who are meant for more - ⁠⁠amillastudio.com.au⁠⁠

Come and connect with me⁠⁠ @amillastudio


29. Who's your Alter ego?


27. What if we over-capitalising on our own joy? Flipping ROI into ROJ